Cherie S.

Cherie has a knack for turning ideas into successful business adventures.  Her passion is running start-up companies – a children’s hat company, a property management/renovation company, as well as an equine assisted learning/therapy business where she specialized in team building and life skills coaching to at-risk youth and adults in the community.

She looks forward to working with the Service Team to ensure smooth operations and top-notch customer satisfaction.  With a passion for innovation and a drive for excellence, she’s dedicated to helping Western Distributing thrive in this fast-paced and competitive market.

Cherie and her husband Jon share their home with a Fozzy-Bear looking dog called “FLOKI” plus a menagerie of cats they collected over the years.  They also enjoy discovering fun adventures with their adult children and families.  Cherie admittedly has a landscaping/planting addiction and loves to spend time in her yard.  Cherie also shares a passion for recording family stories with her video production company called “Coffee with Clyde.”

Service Department Coordinator